Start-up promotion

Jump on board: The future of healthcare starts now

Our services

BioPark Jump is not a structured accelerator program with a fixed start and end point. It is possible to join the accelerator at any time.

BioPark Jump unterstützt bei der Weiterentwicklung der Geschäftsidee, um ein funktionierendes Geschäftsmodell zu erarbeiten.
Unser Accelerator bietet Einzelbüros, Coworking-Spaces und Labore an.
Counseling sessions

You have a business idea related to the health or life-sciences? You would like to know whether your idea has potential and how it can best be pursued so that your product has a chance on the german market. Together we will analyze the current status of your idea, which category your product idea fits into (e.g. medical device, digital health or care application) and which steps are necessary to carry out a compliant product development.

We will also advise you on other suitable funding programs and important contact points for start-ups in Regensburg and throughout Bavaria, you can benefit from with your business idea.

Individual support

During your participation in the Accelerator, we will help you to optimize your business plan and develop your product in a target group-oriented and compliant manner. In addition, the BioPark Brain8Network provides you with eight experienced entrepreneurs who can advise you on the relevant topics when starting a business in the healthcare or life-sciences sector.

BioPark Jump bietet Start-ups mit Gründungsideen aus den Bereichen Healthcare oder Life-Sciences individuelle Beratung an.
BioPark Jump vermittel Start-ups bereits in einer frühen Phase ihrer Gründung an Expert:innen der jeweiligen Branche.
Exchange of experience with professionals from the healthcare and life-sciences industry

We bring you together with our regional and national network partners from research, industry and clinics. These contacts are helpful if you want to test your product in practice, have a neutral assessment of the current status of your product and benefit from the experience of established companies from the healthcare and life sciences sectors.

You also have the opportunity to network with other MedTech and BioTech start-ups at our events, exchange experiences and make important contacts.

Workshops & Seminars

As part of BioPark Jump, we offer regular events on industry-relevant topics such as the certification of medical products, reimbursement by health insurance companies, clinical evaluation and the use of patient data in compliance with data protection regulations. Our events also address start-up essentials such as patent law, strategic marketing, employee recruitment and pitch training.

We want you to get the most out of our events. As part of our Accelerator, you have an active right of co-determination and can suggest topics for the next event at any time.

BioPark Jump führt regelmäßig Veranstaltungen zu branchenrelevanten Themen durch.
Our services

BioPark Jump is not a structured accelerator program with a fixed start and end point. It is possible to join the accelerator at any time.

BioPark Jump unterstützt bei der Weiterentwicklung der Geschäftsidee, um ein funktionierendes Geschäftsmodell zu erarbeiten.
Counseling sessions


You have a business idea related to the health or life-sciences? You would like to know whether your idea has potential and how it can best be pursued so that your product has a chance on the german market. Together we will analyze the current status of your idea, which category your product idea fits into (e.g. medical device, digital health or care application) and which steps are necessary to carry out a compliant product development.

We will also advise you on other suitable funding programs and important contact points for start-ups in Regensburg and throughout Bavaria, you can benefit from with your business idea.

Unser Accelerator bietet Einzelbüros, Coworking-Spaces und Labore an.
Individual support


During your participation in the Accelerator, we will help you to optimize your business plan and develop your product in a target group-oriented and compliant manner. In addition, the BioPark Brain8Network provides you with eight experienced entrepreneurs who can advise you on the relevant topics when starting a business in the healthcare or life-sciences sector.

BioPark Jump bietet Start-ups mit Gründungsideen aus den Bereichen Healthcare oder Life-Sciences individuelle Beratung an.
Exchange of experience with professionals from the healthcare and life-sciences industry

We bring you together with our regional and national network partners from research, industry and clinics. These contacts are helpful if you want to test your product in practice, have a neutral assessment of the current status of your product and benefit from the experience of established companies from the healthcare and life sciences sectors.

You also have the opportunity to network with other MedTech and BioTech start-ups at our events, exchange experiences and make important contacts.

BioPark Jump vermittel Start-ups bereits in einer frühen Phase ihrer Gründung an Expert:innen der jeweiligen Branche.
Workshops & Seminars

As part of BioPark Jump, we offer regular events on industry-relevant topics such as the certification of medical products, reimbursement by health insurance companies, clinical evaluation and the use of patient data in compliance with data protection regulations. Our events also address start-up essentials such as patent law, strategic marketing, employee recruitment and pitch training.

We want you to get the most out of our events. As part of our Accelerator, you have an active right of co-determination and can suggest topics for the next event at any time.

BioPark Jump führt regelmäßig Veranstaltungen zu branchenrelevanten Themen durch.

Our premises

  • Lockable, daylight-flooded individual offices
  • Co-working spaces
  • S1 lab rooms
  • Conference and event spaces
  • Shared kitchen and lunch area with a coffee flat rate
  • Foosball area
  • WLAN and electricity supply
  • Proper disposal of waste and chemicals
  • Charging stations for your electric car

For teams that have not yet been founded (pre-seed), the rental office and laboratory space free of charge for up to 12 months.

Our premises
  • Lockable, daylight-flodded individual offices
  • Coworking spaces
  • S1 lab rooms
  • Conference and event spaces
  • Shared kitchen and lunch area, with a coffee flat rate
  • Foosball kicker
  • WLAN and electricity supply
  • Proper disposal of waste and chemicals
  • Charging stations for your electric car

For teams that have not yet been founded (pre-seed), the rental office and laboratory space free of charge for up to 12 months.

Our network of experts

The BIOPARK Brain8Network: Eight experts with entrepreneurial expertise in the fields of biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, analytics, medical technology and green energy (biogas) support the teams from our Accelerator and are available to prospective founders and start-ups as coaches and consultants on various topics such as business start-ups, funding acquisition, financing, corporate development, internationalization, approval procedures, patent law, company takeovers and also new start-ups from insolvencies.

Dr. Fritz Huber

2004 Founder of numares AG (initially LipoFIT GmbH). Managing director and board member from 2004 to 2016. Different awards, as well as some patents. Development and analysis of business concepts.

Dr. Stefan Miller

Founder and Managing Director of PROFOS GmbH, later CEO, Chief Scientific Officer of PROFOS AG. 2009 – 2012 Managing Director of Lisando GmbH and 2012 – 2014 CSO of Lisando AG located at the BioPark.

Our network

Das BioPark Brain8Network ist Netzwerkpartner des Förderprojektes BioPark Jump in Regensburg.
Die Cfm Oskar Tropitzsch GmbH ist ein Netzwerkpartner des Förderprojekts BioPark Jump.
Die Regensburg Seniorenstift gGmbH ist ein Netzwerkpartner des Förderprojekts BioPark Jump in Regensburg.
Die Pattentanwaltskanzlei Dehmel und Bettenhausen ist Projektpartner des Förderprojekts BioPark Jump in Regensburg.
Die Gründungsberatung FUTUR Start-up ist ein Netzwerkpartner des Förderprojekts BioPark Jump in Regensburg.
Die GesundheitsregionPlus ist ein Netzwerkpartner des Förderprojekts BioPark Jump in Regensburg.
Die Techniker Krankenkasse ist Netzwerkpartner des Förderprojekts BioPark Jump.
Die Anwaltskanzlei V.O. ist Netzwerkpartner des Förderprojekts BioPark Jump in Regensburg.
BayStartUP ist ein Netzwerkpartner des Förderprojekts BioPark Jump in Regensburg.
Die Digitale Gründerinitiative Oberpfalz ist Netzwerkpartner des Förderprojekts BioPark Jump in Regensburg.
Das Krankenhaus Barmherzige Brüder ist Netzwerkpartner des Förderprojekts BioPark Jump.
Die Gerresheimer Regensburg GmbH ist Netzwerkpartner des Förderprojekts BioPark Jump.
Die PAN-Biotech GmbH ist ein Netzwerkpartner des Förderprojekts BioPark Jump.
Die numares health AG ist ein Netzwerkpartner des Förderprojekts BioPark Jump.
High-Tech Gründerfonds ist ein Netzwerkpartner des Förderprojekts BioPark Jump.
Das OTH Start-up Center ist ein Netzwerkpartner des BioPark Jump Förderprojekts.
RKT ist ein Netzwerkpartner des Förderprojekts BioPark Jump in Regensburg.
Businessplan Wettbewerb Nordbayern
Bayern Kapital Venture Capital für Bayern
The application criteria

The following criteria are important for acceptance to the Accelerator:

► The team has a connection to the city or region of Regensburg
► The team is in the initial phase of founding (not yet founded or recently founded)
► The business idea is innovative, addresses a problem in the healthcare sector and has an advantage over
existing solutions

When can you apply?

An application for BioPark Jump is possible at any time. Applicants will receive a written notification of their acceptance by the end of the respective quarter after their documents have been checked.

How can you apply?

In the first phase, the names, addresses, e-mail addresses, short CVs of the team members and an abstract (max. 1 page, DIN A4) of the business idea or the preliminary work are sufficient. Please upload all required documents as one PDF file in our application form.

Apply now!